Joao Matos Silva
Joao Matos Silva
The US Independence day is in fact on July 4, but since it falls into a weekend, the holiday is observed on the working day before (or after) the weekend....
I think a better solution is to create a replica instead of shifting. Because the holiday itself is in fact on the 4th of July, but due to special circumstances...
Hi, I've managed to overcome this issue by creating a new JsonConverter that ignores the ClaimsPrincipal ``` public class JsonClaimsPrincipalConverter : JsonConverter { public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) { return...
Hi, Since regions are not yet supported, I guess the we aim for the most common one, that will be on the 2nd Monday in June. Regions is something I...
@ashleybroughton Well, I've been looking at this, and while regions are now supported on 5.0, the problem with those regions is that their dates are set yearly by their governanors....
Sorry for the delay. Should be fixed as soon the package get's built and uploaded to nuget
Hi, Well, the worst part of the calculation is actually translate the working days, into calendar days. Is short, it's only your step2. That's because we need to skip holidays...
Hi I see you have there The ChristianHolidays.ChristmasEve. That is the 24th of December. But you might still have that behavior because of special observances (holidays observed on different days),...
No indeed, adding working days do not take time into consideration... I guess that would be a nice addition
I sorry for the late review. I need to check!