Just updating to remind you that maybe it is simple to remove anything regarding devices and power feeds.
Just for remember @mattieserver that classic problem when devices are conected do power feeds. It is still there.
Maybe you are talking about the same issue #45
I have the same problem when upgrading the plugin, and always have to copy my personal device images. It would be nice to have other, and permanent, way to store...
> Hi, > > How do you do the upgrade? I just tested by pulling a new git release (Option B from The custom images stay in the static/netbox_topology_views/img/...
> Maybe I am over looking something, but how do you create multiple topology views easily? I just use TAGs to do so. I just create tags for each topology,...
I'm looking forward to see that feature back.
I guess it is already working. You need to select the appropriate columns, namely "link peers and connection. See the pictures below where I can see 2 patch panel front...
I'm looking forward to see it.
I'm looking forward to see that feature back.