It's certainly raised by pigpio. It's the error you would get if the connection to the pigpio daemon (in the pigpio Python module) has been closed. Given that you are...
The DHT11/22 etc. are so called one wire devices but they use a proprietary protocol and are not compatible with the (Dallas) 1-wire bus. I have had little joy with...
@bennuttall You may not find any code suitable for gpiozero. The DHTxx series requires accurate timing of GPIO level changes and the method used will be specific to each back-end....
GPIO 7 and 8 are both SPI pins. Perhaps you have SPI enabled? See if `ls /dev/spi*` reports any devices.
The difference between the two calls appears to be whether background is true or false. `blink(on_time=1, off_time=1, n=None, background=True)` Perhaps the pigpio default should be False (it makes no sense...
As an example []( uses the filesystem to access DS18B20 w1 data.
I'm afraid my knowledge of Python is limited and my knowledge of Python virtual environments (venvs) is non-existent. Have a look through
Stranger and stranger. The default tests use the PCM peripheral to pace DMA for GPIO sampling but will use the PWM peripheral for waves. So the PWM peripheral is working...
Interesting. Be patient for a quarter hour or so. I have another test in mind.