Hi Miguel, thanks for your answer, it helped a lot, but regarding one thing, I still do not understand. how is your Servocontroller handeling the step-direktion commands comming from marlin?...
Hi Miguel, thanks again for showing me the direction in which I now have to go.... You are right, a static high P gain can be the solution. Even if...
Hello Miguel, I read, I learned and I unerstood - Chillipeppr is not the solution, but the motioncontroller behind it. There is GRBL, Marlin and TinyG2. And as i was...
I am thankful for every cent ! and the advice: make and see allone is worth a lot..... Thanks again Joachim
Hi Miguel, i have a strange question: My cheap Arduino Nano from China made a good job with your code - in the begining. I bought a bigger Motordriver from...
Hello Miguel, just to let you know: Again, you were right! I am using these very very cheap "aliexpress nanos" and I am not sure, wheather they have such a...
Dear Muguel, sorry, that I did not give you the feedback you deserve for your great work. I made some progress, but was not really happy with the velocity I...