Joachim Gassen

Results 23 comments of Joachim Gassen

Noticed this as well. My guess is that it is triggered by View() returning prior to RStudio being done rendering the plane. I briefly looked into whether one can use...

It has been a while but just for the sake if completeness: The extensions that I just introduced to my fork allow using `skimr::skim()` to explore grouping issues. ``` devtools::install_github("joachim-gassen/ViewPipeSteps")...

Hi there and sorry for the delay. This seems to be related to the structure of your data. Are you providing a data frame to Expand or are you uploading...

Sorry for the delay and thank you for your kind words! Could it be the case that your version of {tidycovid19} trails the current version? I updated the code a...

Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying this. The reason is why I decided to limit the OWID data to hospitalization, testing and vaccination is that on principle, I would like...

OK. Like announced. See your work of arts: ![01](



