
Results 3 issues of Joaquín

Hi, I want to send props from the server to Transmit (I'm using the [react-isomorphic-starterkit]( Si I have this on server: ``` renderProps.auth = 'authstring' Transmit.renderToString(ReactRouter.RoutingContext, renderProps).then(({reactString, reactData}) => {...

Hi, I got this fetchData method in my component: ``` fetchData(params, cb) { superagent .get(`${API_URL}/users/` + params.username) .accept('json') .set('Api', 'v1') .end(function(err, res) { cb(err, res && res.body); }) }, ```...

The error: ```Warning: Unexpected input(s) 'environment-variables', valid inputs are ['task-definition', 'container-name', 'image']``` The definition: ``` - name: Fill in the new image ID in the Amazon ECS task definition id:...