The source code [mentions](https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/blob/master/src/js/player.js#L113) four stretching options in a comment. but the docs sounds like there are only three: auto, fill and none. (responsive is mentioned but sounds like its...
Given a state definition like this: ``` // file A.ts export const coreHomeUiRouterState: NgHybridStateDeclaration = { name: 'home', url: '', component: CoreHomeComponent }; angular.module('dccApp').config([ '$stateProvider', function($stateProvider) { $stateProvider.state(coreHomeUiRouterState); }, ]);...
added a function to disable the selectboxes
Fixed bug s.t. djangofeeds work with django 1.7.. Failed before, because djangofeeds uses a deprecated function. see https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/20475