Results 13 issues of Dean

设备jetson nano 2g jetpack4.6.1 没有cuda10.2-cudnn8-TensorRT8 的serving安装包吗?


命令:**python --mode yolov7 --use_aux True --data garbage.yaml --cfg yolov7.yaml --weights weights/yolov7/ --batch-size 8** 出现错误 **Logging results to runs/train/exp14 Starting training for 100 epochs... Epoch gpu_mem box obj cls labels...

Hello, i test in coco_val with 64 images include 2 class.Like this for the query: ![图片]( Then choose 2 ways-9shot, about _person_ and _TV_ like query img from '10_shot_support' dir....

![image]( hello, it was failed in the second stage.


Hello,i want use the model in my customer dataset. But the result is not so good just used the provided model in this hub. Any advice to fit my own...

使用命令运行`python --model_dir ppyolo_mbv3_small_coco --image 000000014439.jpg --device gpu --use_trt True` 发现 `PaddleDetection/PPYOLO is not supported with backend Backend::TRT.` 而且cpu推理时间比gpu推理时间快

在跑sam的时候,出现下面这个问题 `Grounded-Segment-Anything/segment_anything/segment_anything/modeling/", line 144, in predict_masks masks = (hyper_in @ upscaled_embedding.view(b, c, h * w)).view(b, -1, h, w) RuntimeError: cannot reshape tensor of 0 elements into shape [0, -1, 256,...