Jan-Niclas Walther

Results 13 comments of Jan-Niclas Walther

@tpaviot Thanks for your answer. Geom_ExtremaCurvedSurface was a typo and should say GeomAPI_ExtremaCurveSurface as in the title. Sorry about that. I have tried a second example, which is just a...

@tpaviot I'm sorry I don't have a good example to share. The algorithm seems to work great with all my simpler models... Btw. I went through the release notes and...

@jf--- thanks for bringing this back up and sorry for the delay. I came up with an example to illustrate my problem based on an ellipsoid, which you can find...

@jf--- , I added the script in a repository under my name, the link to which I have provided above (https://github.com/kngbuzzo/pythonocc_examples). Is that ok for you?

@rainman110 No, I haven't posted anything yet. Will they be able to work with the example in Python or should we provide something in C++? Following your suggestions, I have...

@rainman110 Thanks! If you could give me a hand with that, that'd be great.

@tpaviot I ran the updated version of the code using versions 0.18.2 and 7.4.0-rc1 to these results: ![result_0 18 2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16652793/73841015-ddc0be00-4819-11ea-8aa9-8d1f496bab6e.png) ![result_7 4 0-rc1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16652793/73840877-8b7f9d00-4819-11ea-8745-4bde1a8bef83.png) OCC 7 is clearly improving the situation...

@jf--- I went ahead and checked my example surface for umbilical points. The source data is an ellipsoid with a circular cross section (i.e. b==c), which means it should only...

@rainman110 I agree we should take this issue upsteam. If you could help me out with the C++ part, that'd be great. As requested, I put together a minimal version...