Jonatas Esteves

Results 17 comments of Jonatas Esteves

I think mangoapp isn't available in Flatpak yet, at least I couldn't find it. Open an issue on MangoHud on Flathub to provide it, I think that'll be required before...

> Where? In the design channel. The Discord server is public, anyone can participate. > That's too bad. I think we all notice that Papy is guiding the project in...

I'm closing this MR because it has fallen way behind the main branch and would be impossible to merge now. Even if we came back to this in the future,...

If the tab is pinned, the user still needs a way to close the app with the mouse without removing persistence. That's what the Close option does, you can't just...

For anyone having the same problem and having trouble finding the workaround, the short answer is: ``` const { PassThrough } = require('stream') archive.append(file.pipe(new PassThrough()), { name }) ``` I...

@zhujun24 This issue does not apply to your example, since you are appending a Buffer, and the problem only happens when appending a Stream. To anyone interested, the fix for...

@raghuchahar007 No wonder that doesn't work. I'm surprised you can even finalize at all. That code will fail whenever the VM hits it's memory limit. Your problem is not related...

@raghuchahar007 Just to make sure it's not a simple mistake: I have suggested this same workaround to a colleague at work and he had trouble because he `npm install`ed `stream`...

Internally, archiver uses an [async]( [queue]( to queue up files to be added to the archive. Due to zip's streaming nature, the files must be encoded one at a time,...

@raghuchahar007 Yes, your code seems fine. `zlib.createGunzip()` is there because if the response is gzipped by the server, request doesn't gunzip it automatically on the response event. Regarding the `append()`...