Joseph Musser

Results 509 comments of Joseph Musser

Wasn't `val` going to be short for `readonly var`?

@Thaina Yes, I'm inclined to agree.

Oh yes! `let` was the one I liked. Thanks!

I have so many methods that take `IReadOnlyCollection` or `IReadOnlyList`. Just support for those two would be phenomenal for me.

@AustinBryan Those fields are already zero-inited, so what is the purpose of that constructor?

> especially not at the end of a block @HaloFour I don't think a label appearing at the end of a block is more special or unlikely than appearing at...

This also makes it painful to use `.ConfigureAwait(false)` on `IAsyncDisposable`: ```cs var foo = new Foo(); // Foo : IAsyncDisposable await using var unused1 = foo.ConfigureAwait(false); // ... ``` In...

Why is `GetChildrenOf.nameof(topLevelProjectId)` better than `nameof(GetChildrenOf.topLevelProjectId)`? Putting `nameof` first makes it easier to read. Or `nameof(GetChildrenOf, topLevelProjectId)`.

@alrz `nameof(GetChildrenOf(int, int?), topLevelProjectId)` perhaps.