Jack Murphy
Jack Murphy
@worstkiller did you ever get this to work? im running into the same issue.
@worstkiller this worked for me sever - ```js app.post("/create-payment-intent", async (req, res) => { const customer = await stripe.customers.create(); const ephemeralKey = await stripe.ephemeralKeys.create( {customer: customer.id}, {apiVersion: '2020-08-27'} ) const...
Thanks man, I use the tool everyday, really nice work.
@tommasongr Thanks, nested class selectors are working properly now, however it looks like there is still some issues parsing at-rules. Here is a test snippet. ```scss .icon-grid { @media (max-width:...
I am somewhat bogged down here too. I can my dev command is correctly opening but when I go to build chrome there seems to be something wrong with chromium...
I ran into this exact same issue on my m1 mac.