Joan Montané

Results 13 comments of Joan Montané

@dosiecki: Good to know Android app can be translated! I'll work on it. @samuelclay: i18n is an important feature in current days programming. IMHO, all apps should be translatable.

Hi, ldot characters (both lowercase and uppercase) are legacy characters used for Catalan language only. These characters are valid Unicode codepoints, but they aren't used for Catalan nowadays, because L+00B7+L...

Hi, I tested, and it renders fine l·l (U+00B7). Great! About Ldot and ldot glyphs. Many fonts add them. They are legacy, few used characters, but still valid Unicode...

I found a new bug related with U+00B7 and Twitter. Please, see this Tweet There are 2 valid and registered URLs - 1st one (http://www.l· is automagically detected and...

Hi, Current Unicode UAX 31 cites 00B7 and its use in hashtags Is there any improvement or roadmap about this issue? Regards,

Hi, Twitter supports hashtags with middle dot (U+00B7), really good news, :) There are some issues around middle dot support in URLs: 1.- Twitter lists with L·L are created now,...

Just to point one more example about autolinking URLs See following Tweet: It has a link to:·lectiu-wilson-en-la-vanguardia/ But Twitter autolink breaks on "·" U+00B7 char and split URL:...

Just a funny effect. Twitter autolinking feature breaks own Twitter URLs. For instance, a link to #L·L hashtag is automagically broken if it's pasted/copied in a Tweet·L

Yeah! I know beyond-old-ASCII chars should be escaped but, as you point, several web services (Wordpress, Twitter...) generate URLs with such chars, so links become unusable, :( MIDDLE DOT (U+00B7)...
