Yes I set it, with positions and height / width
He @littleGnAl I'm sorry, I was buzy until now but I can answer, So my code is that : Future handleTimeout() async { setState(() { _counter++; }); print(_counter); print(directory); watermarkConfig.positionInLandscapeMode...
This handleTimeOut function is called at the begging of the main code. My aim is to change the picture every second but for the moment, I just want to stream...
I alreeady try to add it but nothing change, the path is ok, png also, visibleInpreview is turn on on True and startPreview too
Thank you for your answer but, when i try to launch "sudo rake install" with this example, i have this issue : :3.17-32.5: Warning (avoid_unnecessary_addr_size): /uio-irq-test@0: unnecessary #address-cells/#size-cells without "ranges"...
Hey Fabio, I have search a lot and I didn't find solution. I went to other solution
I used this package :
It depend of what you want, just streming something or if you want to do B2B