Jacobo Tarragón
Jacobo Tarragón
I'm also experiencing this issue with Atom 1.26.0 and macOS 10.13.4 Find and Replace work on new windows, but as soon as I change projects, the dialog stops showing up....
@fredrikekelund looks like this project is abandoned in favor of`atom-project-manager`. I've been using it for a few days without issues.
Hey @andressa, thanks a lot for the interest! I've just recently picked up on the project again, and have started upgrading the client code. As soon as I get it...
@Otto-AA hey, thanks a lot for the interest! At the moment I'm trying to bring things up to date before I can kickstart the client development. So happy to get...
hey @ktheodosiou unfortunately the client is not yet developed, only designed. You can build it yourself and see the work in progress with ``` (client)$ npm install (client)$ npm run...
@sw-tracker yeah, sorry about that. Looks like the frontend was way further behind on its dependencies than I remembered. I've started upgrading the libraries on the [frontend/upgrade-ng9](https://github.com/jminuscula/dixit-online/tree/frontend/update-ng9) branch, but there...
@afinetooth thank you for the workarounds, we're trying to fetch coverage numbers for data analysis purposes. We have hundreds of repos, and new ones are created every week. We could...