Javier Millán Acosta
Javier Millán Acosta
**What would you use as label or labels for the terms?** Cell membrane integrity, plasma membrane integrity **What is the definition of the term?** The quality or state of the...
**What would you use as label or labels for the terms?** Labels are short names of the term, as you would use them in written text. **What is the definition...
**What would you use as label or labels for the terms?** Lysosome functionality loss **What is the definition of the term?** Lysosome functionality loss **Is there an ontology that has...
**What would you use as label or labels for the terms?** Magnetism, magnetic properties **What is the definition of the term?** A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue...
**What would you use as label or labels for the terms?** Mechanical properties **What is the definition of the term?** The intensive properties of a material which describe how it...
Some classes and properties from the Evidence and Conclusion Ontology (ECO) could be added to the ontology to support linking observable outcomes to their evidence (an assay, a reference, etc.)....
**What would you use as label or labels for the terms?** Photocatalytic activity **What is the definition of the term?** The disposition to realize catalytic reaction involving light absorption by...
We use Slimmer to remove the entities that appear in imported slims when we deem them to be duplicates/redundant from existing modules. Using SSSOM we could justify the reason for...
- [ ] Commercial instruments should not be classes, but instances. For instance: [Malvern Zetasizer](http://purl.enanomapper.org/onto//ENM_0000075) is defined as a subclass of [instrument](http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/npo#NPO_1436). It should be defined as an instance of...