Juan María Hernández
Juan María Hernández
Same problem here. I have changed the path of mocha-which-node and I can see the new path in the test buffer, but still not working: ``` "c:\Program Files\nodejs\node" node_modules/.bin/mocha --recursive...
I've made it work using the following settings: ``` ((nil . ( (mocha-which-node . "") (mocha-command . ".\node_modules\.bin\mocha.cmd") (mocha-environment-variables . "NODE_ENV=test") (mocha-options . "--recursive --reporter dot -t 5000") (mocha-project-test-directory ....
@vidjuheffex the simplest way I found to make it work was to set this vars in .emacs.d to run the mocha installed locally in each project using the mocha.opts for...