Jeremy Fee
Jeremy Fee
**Prettier-Java ^0.8.0** ```sh # Options (if any): --print-width 80 ``` **Input:** ```java // code snippet public class Test { public void testMethod(final String param1, final String param2) throws Exception {...
We have several applications that use leaflet, and load an external copy of the standard distribution in a separate script element before loading a browserified application bundle. The common js...
Currently says "This product is missing pager.xml" Change to "No city exposure information available", or remove this message entirely. @mhearne-usgs @wald-usgs , which do you prefer? Example event:
Replacement text if any is TBD
In ShakeAlert module footer, when displaying ShakeAlert product: target `/data/shakealert/` text `Scientific Background for ShakeAlert` @lisa-usgs , @llastowka-usgs : fyi
One option is system time, since that informs the user based on their computer time zone settings. Another option for large events with a losspager product is: > >...
similar to ShakeMap/Pager version information. Also, should we consider an explicit "content-path" product property to allow more general use? This would only override the contentPath input when the property is set...
Example page: Checking the corresponding detail feed: The "id" property, and hence preferred event ID is ci37603458. Previously, event pages would redirect to a URL with this event...