Jeff Mealo

Results 83 comments of Jeff Mealo

It seems like the UMD module is double wrapped. I'm out of my element with ESM/Typescript build processes as this is my first attempt from scratch. I'll try to circle...

@HosseinAlipour: Did you find a workaround for this?

@jdanyow Any updates? I'd really like to try out Aurelia and Falcor.

Bump. Can anyone outline what work needs to be done?

@breinjhel: Can you flesh this out?

@ivanceras I'm not sure if this is relevant, but, PostgREST has a pretty nice way of passing filters/quals via query parameters. Reading the tickets and Gitter is helpful to see...

@ivanceras: Kudos on the project so far. Would you mind fleshing out this ticket a bit? I can't tell if you're trying to send multiple records as a transaction or...

@ivanceras: Can you flesh this issue out a bit please? Kudos on the project!

Any updates on this? (For what it's worth, I agree with the proposal.)