Justin Abene
Justin Abene
> we should promote creating a LayoutView as the base of the view chain. This LayoutView can use an existing element on the page to begin the view tree from....
One downfall of using a wrapper function: When the `styled` tag is picked up by Emotion's babel `autoLabel`, the `[local]` name generated will be the name of the wrapper function...
This is the pattern I have been using successfully with Material UI: ``` export const transientOptions: Parameters[1] = { shouldForwardProp: (propName: string) => !propName.startsWith('$'), }; ``` ``` const SomeComponent =...
Oh nice. I actually didn't even know that existed. Guess I should look at those docs more 😅
@Andarist Could you give an example of `importMap`'s usage? The docs are a bit brief.
@Andarist How does this apply to relative imports within the same codebase? Say a file in the same codebase defines and exports a `styled` wrapper function. Then another file (in...
@Andarist Thanks for the suggestion. Too bad `importMap` doesn't support regex.
@brandonscript Using MUI, below are some solutions/variations I commonly use that you can elaborate on. Sometimes MUI types will be clobbered because the `style` wrapper can't infer MUI's complex types,...
I came across this issue today in my isomorphic app. I don't totally agree with global fetch being the default fallback especially in these days of SSR, but at least...
For a temporary workaround in `package.json`: ``` "overrides": { "react-simple-maps": { "d3-zoom": "^3.0.0", "d3-interpolate": "^3.0.1", "d3-color": "^3.1.0" } } ``` Note that you will probably have to `npm uninstall react-simple-maps...