Juan M. Bello-Rivas

Results 22 comments of Juan M. Bello-Rivas

Nice collection of topics! Suggestion: mention the `expm1` function when discussing $e^x - 1$

It looks like Grove is using an obsolete pyQuil API. Perhaps it might help you if you check out https://github.com/rigetti/pyquil/blob/master/docs/source/migration2-qc.ipynb (specifically the examples regarding `list_quantum_computers` and `get_qc`) as well as...

The problem stems from the fact that there exist two types of application binary interfaces (ABIs) for BLAS: 1. On the one hand, the reference implementation of BLAS as well...

OpenBLAS is the direct descendant of GotoBLAS. Intel hired Kazushige Goto, the original author of GotoBLAS and, shortly thereafter, the Intel MKL BLAS implementation started to be as performant as...

Also, this reminds me that I have a PR to submit that would allow us to reduce the consing significantly. Example (perhaps modulo row-major vs column-major order): ```CL-USER> (defparameter *matrix*...

According to `dtruss`, SBCL is picking up `/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib` which should be the library bundled with Mac OS

It would make sense to replace both by a `from-sequence` that appropriately coerces its argument. However, I wonder if the slowness of `from-list` is a symptom of some other issue...

You were spot on, @appleby. The culprit is the call to `nth` within `into!`.

I have used this stuff for a side-project recently via pymanopt. If there's a (business) case for implementing this functionality in MAGICL but you're currently too busy, then I'd love...