Jordan Mark Barbone
Jordan Mark Barbone
This _could be_ related to and how `anyDuplicated.vctrs_vctr` was original conceived. `vctrs:::anyDuplicated.vctrs_vctr` uses `vec_duplicate_any` which produces results _similar to_ `anyDuplicated()` (as documented) but with the exported S3 method the...
This is a fix for #45. I've been using this forked branch for my personal work for a while and haven't seen any problems with it.
Base `sub`, `gsub` contain checks for factors which can drastically improve performance. Below is an example of some improvements that `{stringr}` could get from this check. I'd image that the...
Resolves #830 A few checks are completed: * `.col_names` defaults to `NULL` * If not `NULL`, `...` and `.list` should not have `length()` * `.col_names` must be the same length...
## Describe the problem Adding a `sidebar()` to `page_navbar()` seems to _add back_ (? or ignore?) the gap removals. In comparison, this seems to work (or work as I expect...
Most of the base R packages return `TRUE` for `available_on_cran()`. Feels like all of these should return `FALSE`. ``` r # # get base packages # installed.packages() |> #
resolves #167 I also found an issue with `new_cordf()` that appended extra `cor_df` classes to `cor_df` objects (called from `rearrange.cor_df()`). Seemed fine to correct that. - prevent extra cor_df classes...
## The problem `abs(m)` isn't assigned? ## Reproducible example ``` r library(corrr) df • Method: 'pearson' #> • Missing treated using: 'pairwise.complete.obs' rearrange(cdf, absolute = TRUE) # shouldn't change...
## The problem I have a correlation matrix with a lot of missing values. This causes the backend rearranging to fail when it tries to change the order. However, there's...
`?factor` > Since R 4.1.0, when using c to combine a (possibly ordered) factor with other objects, if all objects are (possibly ordered) factors, the result will be a factor...