Jordan Mark Barbone
Jordan Mark Barbone
PRs that I've submitted should have included notes in `` but I'll take another look through to make sure none was missed
@JanMarvin You've been quite busy, can you take a look at these issues/PRs? I don't think they were included in the `NEWS`. This was a quick search, can't guarantee this...
I think we could try to have a `openxlsx::as.character.formula()` function which just returns the value. Namespace conflicts would then be obvious when loading but internal functions, I believe, would still...
`openxlsx::as.character.formula(x)` simply returns ~`x`~ `as.character.default(x)`. There's no _other_ modification done that wouldn't also be done without the method, and `as.character.formula()`, as far as I can tell, doesn't exist anywhere else....
@JanMarvin if it's internal it won't have the warn conflicts, I believe. `formula` class are `language` and dealt with in `as.character()` in internal methods. I'm not sure #315 is correct...
> You could look into `make.names()` to create unique names, it is used in the package at various places, otherwise you might end up with multiple "NA"s which brings other...
Risk aversion for potential errors/warnings when packages listed in `Suggests` are conditionally checked for in functions. Sometimes better to quickly grab everything than slowly find problems.
Thanks @gaborcsardi. To clarify I meant to specifically ask if the `length(pkg == 1)` was suppose to be `length(pkg) == 1`.
I have the same issue, picked up with ordinal indicators. It looks like this is a problem with the hunspell parser: ``` r hunspell::hunspell_parse(c("1st", "RNA-seq", "EIF4G1")) #> [[1]] #> [1]...
Implementing a pre filter right before the parse here could work: It feels like more of a quick-fix because it parses with `strsplit()` then `paste()`s back together before being...