James Maslek

Results 62 comments of James Maslek

This is looking awesome. Small point I'm noticing. For controllers/argparse choices, y'all are doing `--some_thing`. We should stick to doing `--some-thing`

feel like this is because I messed with settings, but I have PLOT_DPI = 300 and plot autoscaling on

Yeah I intentionally don't use the end date for NN (should definitely remove). The reason being I added in sample validation to see how the model does at various points...

So any commit that was before May 5th will have an older version of the prediction. You could load bitcoin through yahoo finance using `load BTC-USD` and use that. As...

This is actually an issue with stockanalysis changing their scraping again. If you look at my repo that gets this data, I can only pull a few tickers before getting...

> Depends on how easy it is to fix or replace the database being used. Because the filtering middleman works. Do you know any datasource we can use to replace...

Update: I can scrape 500 etfs in.....5 hours (added a retry). I am setting up runners throughout the day to hopefully get close to the full 2800 they offer. There...

Are these not free? https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/index.php?f=5041 edit: It appears they are but there are no wrappers for it and the process to get api access seems long.

I think my etf screener database is broken. Stock analysis changed their website so that the scraping now times out and I cannot do all in a single github action....