Alex Maslakov
Alex Maslakov
``` .ui-grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr; gap: 20px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .ui-grid-item { display: grid; gap: 10px; } .ui-grid-item img { width: 100%; border-radius: 10px; display: block;...
Hello, started setuping a build process with babel and `module-resolver`, but it get working only when I remove `transform-react-jsx` plugin. When it included I got an error that function `h`...
Hello. Just want to know: do we have ability to make `CREATE / ALTER TABLE` queries or different queries than standard CRUD.
Hello, I think components should have prefix like `ui-`. Example: ``, ``. For separate riot-bootstrap and app components.
CDN is good place where polyfills can be. You can add `package.json` to add npm support. Other developers can import your polyfill to page through browserify. As you can see... Tests are passed.
I think we do not need strong array check at function: ``` javascript function section(obj, prop, negate, thunk) { var val = obj[prop]; if (Array.isArray(val)) return''); if ('function' ==...
Hello. I propose to add Reprpse – a Markdown editor for Github. ## Project URL ## Category Tools > Editors ## Description I added a link to Reprose editor...