João Ricardo Lhullier Lugão
João Ricardo Lhullier Lugão
Create an Async Engine. Note that: - Rules should execute in order. - Multiple rules can be scheduled in the event loop - use anyio so the engine can be...
Sometimes we want to pass more data to components or we will want to build widgets in the frontend, such as range, date input, etcs. For this usecase perhaps the...
How do we monitor rule running and other stuff? should we have some kind of interface to show how many times the engine ran? How many failed runs?? should we...
For automation engines one of the most valuble features is beign able to utilize integrations that are already defined. Take a look at zapier or other automation apps, they already...
Currently we can only execute jobs in order, this means that multiple conditions are evaluated as an AND, should we implement OR, NOT and other operators to create more complex...
Hey, I am trying to use this library programatically. I want to generate occurrences like follow: between 2017-01-01 and 2017-10-01 I want an occurrence every friday (or every sunday, etc..)...