Jean-Louis Stanus
Jean-Louis Stanus
Thank you very much, it's what i was looking for!
@sikmir I try the same with the widgets in forms but it's not working. Works in TemplateView not in Create The code above works well in TemplateView but not with...
@sikmir , Here is my code: _The plugin **locate** is not displayed_ ``` LEAFLET_CONFIG = { 'DEFAULT_CENTER': (50.28, 4.52), 'DEFAULT_ZOOM' : 5, 'MAX_ZOOM': 18, 'MIN_ZOOM': 4, 'PLUGINS': { 'leaflet.locatecontrol':...
Me too same issue. Nothing works
I have the same problem after restart. Any solution? Workaround: `docker-compose down` then `docker-compose up -d ` again
I have the same problem than you under W10
i did `pip uninstall pandocfilters` then reinstall `pip install pandoc-plantuml-filter`. The command line stoopped to return a not found error with the documented _--filter pandoc-plantuml-filter_ but i get the following...
@totovr V2 needs USB3, no?
ok, thank you for your answer. I let this open because other people would be concerned.