Jerrett Fowler
Jerrett Fowler
I have done a bit of work on a terraform module using @arunsingh2803 's script posted above. I have ripped some of his features out and added some features of...
@melinath just checking in here. I see you've contributed the connection profiles and private connections, but I don't see in the documentation how to direct a connection profile to use...
@melinath sorry, I literally just saw your most recent pull request is exactly this issue. I guess you're waiting on something internally to be fixed in the mean time?
@saschagrunert I will look into what it'll take and see if it can be part of my scheduled work and get back to you.
@saschagrunert I've done further testing and it seems node removal works in a very bare cluster. So there's something about my specific production-like staging cluster that prevents SPO from editing...
I concur... I'm still looking for this. The one for other plans don't seem to have an appropriate one, either.
> Thank you for the PR @jlowe64! Do you mind signing the CLA? I did this earlier, I was just waiting on someone from my team to tell me how...
I'm not ready to merge this, I need to look at it some more.
> Is this still `WIP` @jlowe64 ? I have just removed the WIP tag.