Jan Löser
Jan Löser
> The use of efibootmgr_netboot is still possible (if desired). To be clear: if we use this approach, we can enable efibootmgr_netboot by default (currently only if `efi_bootentry` host param...
I needed it too and built it on openSUSE Build Service. You can install it via: ``` root@vm:~# . /etc/os-release root@vm:~# wget https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/jloeser:/secureboot/xUbuntu_$VERSION_ID/Release.key -O- | apt-key add - root@vm:~# add-apt-repository...
> @jloeser if you intend to keep the repo updated then I won't mind adding install instructions for your OBS repo to the `README.md` file. @Foxboron Sure, go for it.
JFYI: PR https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/10126 could make this `connectefi scsi` approach obsolete. If https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/9864 gets merged, this will probably not work anymore because most distributions don't have GRUB2 `connectefi` module installed. I...
There was the idea from @goarsna to let GRUB2 find out if `connectefi` module is supported during runtime. With `lsmod` we can see if a module is available (or not)....
Having `connectefi` module not available and running the command does not harm (just an unknown command): ``` Failed to find fs: Unsupported Fetching Netboot Image error: ../../grub-core/script/function.c:119:can't find command `connectefi'....
> To my knowledge, the including templates (global default and local boot) are rendered once and the same config is deployed to all SmartProxies (AKA the _Build PXE default_ button)....
Hey @jhoblitt, I see in the PR that there were some activities done by you. Is there anything missing or I can do to accelerate acceptance of this PR?