Justin Lanfranchi
Justin Lanfranchi
E.g. in `DataProcParams` (fields specified in `data_proc_params.json` and interpreted by `evaluateExpr`) and `Events` (`applyCut` method) classes could benefit from more generic and safe evaluation of the contents. Note that it...
Additional stage that allows the user to define analysis binning that is possibly different than reco binning and possibly different binnings for each PID category. Discussion from PISA call on...
Can cause confusion, installation issues; the description certainly isn't confusing, but how to proceed may be. Can we come up with a different package name that gets referenced in the...
pull request #51 introduced physics unit tests to verify basic / hist services for each stage implemented in PISA 2 as well matched output of PISA 2's stages. We need...
Binning orders I can think of that the user might specify (some are ok if they don't work in certain stages, if there's a good reason why that binning choice...
see also issue #87
Normally, one would run flux -> osc -> etc. However, it's possible one would want to test osc -> etc. As of now, "dummy" inputs are only generated in the...
Plotting itself--at least for maps, if not other things--should be handled by `utils/plotter.py`. If that doesn't do something it should, then that functionality should be added to `plotter.py` and not...
Currently, PID stage outputs multiple maps, one for each PID category. This is probably a bug since `DistributionMaker.get_outputs(return_sum=True)` I expect will simply collapse all the maps into one, losing any...
either fix the issue or file a new bug referring to the TODO.