Jonathan Lipps
Jonathan Lipps
Any ideas @justadudewhohacks?
did you run `npm i -g opencv4nodejs` at that point? did it install successfully?
I'm not sure, but we definitely don't want phantom calls to findElements. As the OP said, this is sometimes quite expensive in the Appium world. I would argue that the...
Oh right, that's how it is. So @christian-bromann what strategy can I use if I want to throw an exception in my code if an element doesn't exist, with only...
@christian-bromann any ideas here? I'm dealing with a find element call that's expensive (5-10 seconds), and all I want to do is verify that it exists, not interact with it...
ok cool. so calling this: ```js await browser.findElement('css selector', '#elem') ``` will throw if the element isn't found?
This doesn't actually appear to be true. For example I just ran a test with this line: ``` player = await driver.findElement('xpath', '//Player') ``` And the server response was: ```...
i also tried your other suggestion of looking at properties on the element, with something like this: ```ts async function findAndValidate(strategy: string, selector: string) { const el = await driver.findElement(strategy,...
ok i did some more digging. something like this works, but is wonky with types since the normal return value is not supposed to have an `error` property: ```ts async...
It seems potentially a little confusing to hide some magic in there, but if that's your suggestion, then I'm happy to work with it. FWIW, I'm using WDIO to help...