José Luis Lafuente

Results 25 comments of José Luis Lafuente

It makes sense to add that feature. In fact, in the initial clj-nix version, all the deps were added to the nix store (I did that to know the nix...

> It should be opt-out and included in the common workflow actions (deps-lock) implicitly. What about running `deps-lock` in a CI environment? For example, clojure-lsp has a github action to...

Finally, I found some time to work on this, see #26 :) At first, I enabled the option by default, but I noticed that it was quite slow. On my...

In theory, it should be possible, to combine clj-nix with node2nix, yarn2nix, or any other 2nix for the node ecosystem. Probably some changes will be required, not sure about it....

> This is the pipeline I've put together in the last few weeks and I'm sure we could quite easily wrap this in a nix function to make it easily...

@neshtea IMO it is ok to add a dependency to node2nix. node2nix doesn't provide a flake yet, but it's included in nixpkgs, we could use the nixpkgs version since anyways...

In #10 @jaen suggested it too. I'm not sure about it, I'll wait until clj-nix is more stable. I also would like to see dream2nix gain more traction before committing...

@Sohalt no need to apologize ;) I need to look in more detail to dream2nix. Honestly, I like its main proposition of having a `2nix` standard, but I don't see...

I was testing it, and I got an error calling `badigeon.uberjar/merge-resource-conflicts`: ``` (err) Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at ( (err) /.../target/lib-0.0.1/META-INF/services/com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory (No such file or directory) ``` You can reproduce...

I'm still getting the error if I set keyFile, e.g.: ``` sops.age.keyFile = "/var/lib/sops-nix/key.txt"; ```