Jerome Leclanche
Jerome Leclanche
Hi @sourcesolver You can refer to the documentation on django signals here: It should be possible to `from djstripe.signals import webhook_processing_error`, and use `webhook_processing_error` as a signal you can...
@agusmakmun thank you for the gist! Indeed the upgrade path is best taken version-by-version; each dj-stripe version only supports a limited range it can upgrade from.
Yes feel free to PR it into the docs! :)
Hi @abe-101 Some use cases would include eg. having multiple brands, each on their own stripe account, managed centrally by a single shared database.
What is the reasoning behind wanting to remove this? It's a feature that we specifically contributed in as it was requested by several users. I've myself used it as it...
You raise some good points but as a whole, I don't think having the API key in config is intrinsically safer than having it in a dedicated database table. Config...
@abe-101 answering #1529 I realized also that part of the use case was to be able to add irregular api keys (such as restricted keys) to the database as well....
@pmdevita yes this will be fixed in djstripe 2.9. I've decided to release an additional intermediate release before 3.0...
Due to the issue I believe we will exceptionally release a 2.8.5 with migrations included.