Jacob Larson
Jacob Larson
Going through the WZDx specs, A great start would be looking into the [WorkZoneRoadEvent Object](https://github.com/usdot-jpo-ode/wzdx/blob/main/spec-content/objects/WorkZoneRoadEvent.md) and [RoadEventFeature Object](https://github.com/usdot-jpo-ode/wzdx/blob/main/spec-content/objects/RoadEventFeature.md). I think that `vehicle_impact` and `event_status` would be of interest to the...
In order to tie together I think another [Activity](https://github.com/openmobilityfoundation/curb-data-specification/tree/main/curbs#activities) called `closure` that states all vehicle interactions are prohibited. Would this then also reflect into the Curb Space `available` field?
I know that for most providers at the state level, introducing a required field for CDS may be hard as they do not necessarily work with loading/unloading. I think it...
@schnuerle After previous discussions with WZDx members, I think it would be best for the WZDx feed to have an optional CDS reference point so that agencies would be able...
The PR [#326](https://github.com/usdot-jpo-ode/wzdx/pull/326) has been approved by the WZDWG and will allow for curb zones to be referenced in v4.2 which will be released this month!