> > @chrissimpkins off-topic: we really appreciate the hard work you have put in and understand that you do this in your spare time. Thank you very much for your...
Thanks for the reply. I will continue to dig into it and report anything I find.
For what it is worth, I am writing a LOT of records to the log file... I would say every few milliseconds...
Yes, some are fairly long upwards of 1049 characters.
I am profiling right now... In the future lines have the potential to become longer as DEBUG or TRACE levels are enabled.
I have not used the Visual Studio 2015 profiler before...
One other thing to note. I have three global search and highlight options set. One for DEBUG, one for WARN, and another one for INFO.
By the way, I am testing with the latest 'master' code and seeing the same issue... I will keep digging.
Okay, I have done a little more digging. I have no idea if these make sense... These were generated by using the .NET Memory Profiler... ### Potential WPF binding memory...
Here is the complete overview... #### Potential WPF binding memory leak This snapshot has WPF bindings where the source types do not implement INotifyPropertyChanged and the targets of the bindings...