Results 6 issues of Jan Kuri

We need to add support so `abstruse` can be configured that gpu availability comes into play for model training purposes. - [ ] worker detection for `nvidia` runtime - [...

Priority: High
Status: Accepted
Type: Enhancement

> Please check if what you want to add to `awesome-go` list meets [quality standards]( before sending pull request. Thanks! **Please provide package links to:** - repo link (,,...

> Please check if what you want to add to `awesome-go` list meets [quality standards]( before sending pull request. Thanks! **Please provide package links to:** - repo link (,,...

I noticed that in one of my projects karma tests started failing in a combination with Jasmine (jasmine.js missing). If I revert to `0.2.2` everything is fine. Here's my repo...

- [x] change password - [x] user settings (profile pic, user data) - [x] adding users - [ ] managing organizations and teams - [x] package permissions (search for private...

Priority: High
Type: Enhancement
Status: In Progress

we need to refactor all the e2e tests we have.

Priority: High