Jonas Krimmer

Results 6 issues of Jonas Krimmer

Apparently, moving to the JSON3 package broke the plotting of traces containing NaN values. ``` Error: error handling request │ exception = │ NaN not allowed to be written in...

Plotting traces with 2D data in the z component such as contour or heatmap does not yield the expected result (Julia v1.7.0, Dash v1.1.1, PlotlyJS v0.18.8). It seems like the...

The histogram method provided by PlotlyJS seems to be rather slow. I noticed this trying to plot histograms for arrays containing about ten million entries. In order to speed things...


Building whisper.cpp on Fedora 38 (GCC 13) fails due to a multitude of undefined symbols. The first error occurs since `uint8_t` has not been defined in this scope. As far...

Taking care of the discussed changes with respect to the `dtype` keyword argument, I noticed that the out-of-place `nufftndm` calls essentially validate their arguments twice since `valid_setpts`, `valid_ntr`, and `checkkwdtype`...
