Jürgen Knödlseder

Results 5 issues of Jürgen Knödlseder

For all other IRFs we have `ENERG`, `THETA` first for being consistent it should be `ENERG`, `THETA` and `RAD`.

type: change request

The deadtime (or livetime) for CTA is in principle energy dependent (as different telescopes and cameras will have different deadtimes). The question is how to handle that. Fold the deadtime...

type: question
status: discussion

The event list extension has an OBS_ID keyword that is currently defined as integer. This comes from the original event list format specification from Karl. It appears however that OGIP...

type: change request
status: discussion

The formula .. math:: \int_{0}^{\infty} 2 \pi r dP/dr(r) dr = 1, where dP/dr = 2 \pi r dP/d\Omega on the PSF page is only true for small angles, the...

type: change request
type: cleanup

The GammaLib software implements so far the XML format that has been defined for the Fermi/LAT Science Tools (ST) for model definition. GammaLib has several additional spatial model components, and...

type: add request