Jürgen Knödlseder

Results 35 comments of Jürgen Knödlseder

Agree with Karl that we should look into the UCDs. However, they don't solve the units problem. Having played a bit with VO it looks like an unsolved problem on...

Here a link to a VO initiative about units: http://ivoa.net/documents/VOUnits/20140523/VOUnits-REC-1.0-20140523.pdf

Yes, we use the ENERG, THETA, OTHER order for all other IRFs, Fermi-LAT uses the same order, hence I would also follow it through consistently for DL3. > Le 9...

For complementary information: GammaLib uses in fact an extension of the Fermi/LAT format that is covering some of the use cases you just described @giacomov. For time variable models, a...

Here is the standard https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/ofwg/docs/ofwg_recomm/hduclas.html Note sure what the "_PRIMARY" stands for. "OGADF" for HDUCLASS seems sufficient. > Le 23 mars 2020 à 16:46, Maximilian Nöthe a écrit : >...

Using HDUCLASS for an empty extension does not make any sense. HDUCLASS is meant to identify content. > Le 24 mars 2020 à 16:19, Maximilian Nöthe a écrit : >...

I think nothing is done in Prod2 or Prod3 with the deadtime, Gernot may confirm. As I understand so far from discussions with Karl and Gernot, deadtime depends on trigger...

The SCALE parameter is in fact not used by GammaLib as the GCTAPsf2D class assures internally the normalisation. So in principle the SCALE parameter can be dropped. For the moment,...

I fully agree that a declarative scheme should be implemented. As we had so far no conventions, we simply put the emphasize on a system that "works", but now that...

I don't think that this should be part of the data format. The format should be independent of any software implementation, and even of any data producer. "Smooth" and "well-sampled"...