I am able to build TypeScript code that uses PouchDB now. [@types/pouchdb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@types/pouchdb) seems to be working flawlessly for me now. Should this issue be closed?
Hi @debora-ito, thank you so much for your reply. We are using aws-sdk-java via the https://github.com/mcohen01/amazonica project. This is a Clojure project. Here is the most relevant file in that...
This might work: (defn connect "Returns a single server connection. Defaults to host Supports replica sets if passed a vector of host-port vectors." ([] (connect "")) ([host] (cond (string?...
`ServerAddress` is in the `com.mongodb` namespace.
You'll want to use a newer version of mongo-java-driver. Version 2.3 works and doesn't break any of your tests.
Welcome. Thanks for your great work! ^_^
This bit: ([host] (cond (string? host) (connect host 27017) (vector? host) (Mongo. (map #(ServerAddress. (first %) (second %)) host)))) Should be the following instead: ([host] (cond (string? host) (connect host...