Justin Kramer

Results 50 issues of Justin Kramer

### Build/Submit details page URL https://expo.dev/accounts/kavyar-org/projects/kavyar-app/updates/d58a32ad-7c5a-4122-8def-29c85401bb7d ### Summary `eas update` seems to be missing a `--clear-cache` option. `expo publish` had this option and `eas build` has it. Not having it...

needs review
eas update

Most are missing github data. Probably need a special case for handling its pom.xml - e.g. check parent tag for org.clojure / contrib.

The official ClojureScript project is not include, due to being a fork and having a pom.template.xml instead of pom.xml. Add it as a special case.

Must account for this in validations, too - does Verily need to be updated?

Figure out a way to support multi-column layouts in the default renderer, without having to use custom css. Example from squidz on IRC: http://imgur.com/4Rlw4Q8

(getf :foo.bar {:foo {:bar 1}}) => 1 (getf "foo[bar]" {:foo {:bar 1}}) => 1 (getf "foo[bar]" {"foo" {"bar" 1}}) => 1 (getf "foo[bar]" {"foo[bar]" 1}) => 1 For :flatten fields?...

Topics - Creating custom field types - Building/modifying fields at runtime


E.g., :enctype :multipart
