Juha Kiviluoma
Juha Kiviluoma
At the moment undo will undo the latest change that has been staged (to be committed). If one is working on an unfinished parameter value row, undo will not undo...
We're now showing help using mouse hover tooltip. However, this is unreliable, since users don't often realise this and it's often bit clunky to use. Better option would be to...
State, capacity (investment) and flow variables can be included in user constraints, but online variables are missing.
At the moment, the total model-wide emissions are in the output file summary_solve.csv. That’s not read into the results db – we should get total emissions in the DB as...
When using toolbar vertically, the icons are bit tall and some items are not directly visible since room runs out (especially on laptop screens). Solution would be to decrease icon...
When user makes a choice based on a parameter_value_list, it could influence what parameters are enabled for the entity. E.g. choose 'binary_startup' for a unit and you get to use...
Getting this everytime starting Toolbox on Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS with Wayland Windowing. qt.qpa.wayland: Creating a popup with a parent, QWidgetWindow(0x63c218d30700, name="MainWindowWindow") which does not match the current topmost grabbing popup,...
When an executable file on Linux is copied to a work directory, it's permission was changed so that it cannot be executed as a program. Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS Executing the...
If unit has min_load_efficiency but no parameter for min_load, it results in division by zero, which is hard to debug. Create a check.
I had a timeline from T0000 to T8759. Then, I had a timeblockset that started from timestep T0001 and lasted for 8760. The error message that I got was not...