ValueError: Expected more than 1 value per channel when training, got input size [1, 512]. Please let me know the environment details. pytorch 1.1.0, cuda10.2, and torchvision is 0.6.0 on...
Using USE_CONV3D = True and USE_HISTORY = False, which iteration yields the best results in your experiments.
File(train.py): batch_data is not defined
**What is the top-level directory of the model you are using:** from nets.resnet_v1 import bottleneck, resnet_arg_scope **Have I written custom code:** Yes, I am trying to use pre-trained Resnet50 model....
Thanks for your valuable contribution to point cloud research. I have a question regarding the training setup for the generation of val.ckpt and test.ckpt checkpoints on ScanNet v2. Specifically, I...