Hey Team - none of the proposed fixes worked for me. Still unable to hot reload using Nuxt 3.0.0 on OSX.
The feedback is much appreciated. My nuxt.config.ts only has: `export default defineNuxtConfig({ modules: ['@nuxtjs/tailwindcss'], });`
I did try the edge channel fix and it didn't work. I suppose I'll open a new issue...
Which version of Nuxt is recommended? I tried the latest edge channel version ("nuxt": "npm:nuxt3@latest") and I had the same issue.
Thanks for the input - I installed 3.2.2 and got the following warnings, not really sure how to go about solving these: `devDependencies: - nuxt 3.0.0 + nuxt 3.2.2 (3.2.3...
Hey Daniel - does this link work?: https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-vhctgb I've not tried to provide a repo before.
Thanks for the input. I just now tried the sandbox and it did work. I'll give those suggestions a try asap.
Hey Daniel - I can confirm that attempting to run dev in an incognito window unfortunately did not fix the issue. If full directory path is the same as RootDir...
I'll try nuxt v 3.1.1 and report back. Thanks!
Hey Team - combined with Node v18.15.0, neither Nuxt 3.1.1, 3.3.1, nor 3.3.3 worked for me. When attempting 3.4.0 I get a new error: Named export 'consola' not found. Various...