Jan Keith Darunday

Results 17 comments of Jan Keith Darunday

Same, everything else is tolerable except for this. Unfortunately, the project looks dead with no newly implemented features in the past 12 months so I have low hopes that this...

For reference, this Wayland protocol discussion describes this exact issue: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland-protocols/-/issues/47 > Since the client renders into a larger-than-native buffer there is a significant performance overhead, which is especially noticeable...

We finally have official Linux support for EAC from Epic games and linux users are pushing the devs to add support for it soon. Here's the main thread for it...

Ohh, you're right! Performance is much better when you enable inner and outer gaps when using kwin-bismuth (Window Tiling) as well.

On Linux, everything seems to be working (including buttons) with the latest config except for tilt support. I don't see tilt being reported when running `libinput debug-gui` as discussed in...

Uploading here the config that worked for me with the latest master build (I believe it's being called 0.6) on Linux based on Mrcubix's config file above: [RTP-700.zip](https://github.com/OpenTabletDriver/OpenTabletDriver/files/7795130/RTP-700.zip)

Tried to do this in the AWS web interface. It seems that VPC, security group, and subnet are required even though I'm running with EC2. I was able to successfully...

Hi @fabfuel I have tried that as well. However, it did not seem to work and threw the same error. ```bash % ecs run staging projects -c projects "npm run...

Looking at the code, it seems that no networkConfiguration value is being passed if the launch type is EC2 (it is only added on Fargate). Perhaps networkConfiguration should be passed...