> Hah, great džob yet! > There were just some mistakes like the event handles were missing. I already fixed it, it was caused by missing "WithEvents" constructorz in the...
> 话说你们的Google广告通过了吗 我的還沒通過,我是用Ads.txt,但它的Ads.txt狀態是"找不到"。而且已經一個多月了,還沒通過… 核准狀態是"正在授受審查"。不太確定是否有哪裡弄錯了。 不過我用我的網站 https://jk1124.vercel.app/ads.txt 的確有檔案。
> I suggest to not use --delete1 first. What happens then? Same issue? No, there is no such error occured. But I checked the log file, there is no message...
Sorry, closed accidently.