Meng Ye

Results 18 issues of Meng Ye

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My doc ``` markdown ## get sms code [POST /common/sms] + Request (application/json) + Attributes + type: `sign_in` (enum[string], required) - for the purposes of identity verification code + Members...


attempts to split swoole to core and middleware parts, let the core team focus on core functionality development middleware, such as http-server, redis, mysql, Hbase, ZooKeeper, ElasticSearch, maybe we can...


…tps could not be found ##### I completed the 3 steps below: - [x] I've read the [Contribution Guide]( - [x] I've updated the **documentation**. (refer to [this]( for how...

current `.gitignore` is only used for `worktree.Status()` add new API, `AddWithIgnore`, now we can use the patterns in `.gitignore` when add file

## 公司名称 京东零售 部门介绍 > 我们是京东零售基础技术研发团队,拥有京东商城最具挑战的技术场景,肩负着为京东各个技术团队提供可复用的基础技术产品的重任,也在勇敢探索京东技术产品对外商业化之路。这里有广阔的技术上升空间,融洽的团队氛围,良好的薪资待遇,和一群为梦想而奋斗的小伙伴。如果您精通 Java 、Go 、JS,如果您了解 API 网关、PUSH 、低代码、PC 客户端等方面的技术架构,请投出简历,我们一起共赴星辰大海! 一句话介绍岗位信息 > base 北京,招服务端 /前端开发工程师&架构师,有 aPaaS 低代码、高并发、vue 、工作流、连接器 iPaaS 经验者优先,待遇优厚!前景广阔!京东股票!简历发送至 ## 工作地点 北京 ## 薪资范围 ##...

There should be a property to indicate whether a API is deprecated

type (3): Improvement


good first issue

vitepress render error (yarn docs:build) ``` ✖ rendering pages... build error: file:///Users/xxxxxx/Documents/codes/playground/onlinetool/docs/.vitepress/.temp/ import { Tabs, Tab } from "flowbite-vue"; ^^^ SyntaxError: Named export 'Tab' not found. The requested module 'flowbite-vue'...

[email protected]: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "^10.17.0"