Jeff Johnson

Results 24 issues of Jeff Johnson

**FTP OS:** Unix / Windows / Embedded Unix **FTP Server:** Pure-FTPd / DrFTPD / Vsftpd / ProFTPD / Vax / VMS / OpenVMS / Tandem / HP NonStop Guardian /...

incorrect usage

Running WinDivert and using filter `inbound and tcp.Syn` on network layer. I call `WinDivertRecvEx` and `WinDivertSendEx` to pass packets on through - very simple code, nothing fancy, just testing WinDivert...

In the 2.0 beta branch, using a file system project, the cache is not being cleared. You can write a cshtml file, attempt to retrieve from cache, not found, so...


This feature request is related to policies. I would like to be able to annotate my class and interface methods with attributes that represent Polly policies, such as retry, circuit...

feature suggestion

Images that are not in BGRA format don't work, you have hard-coded the encoder to: ``` WebPPictureImportRGBA(&pic, webPImageData, (int)webPBytesPerRow); WebPPictureARGBToYUVA(&pic, WEBP_YUV420); ```

Using this code to create an archive, I'm unable to open in Windows or MAC. ``` ZZArchive* archive = [[ZZArchive alloc] initWithURL:url options:@{ZZOpenOptionsCreateIfMissingKey : @YES} error:&error]; if (error == nil)...

I tried running the invocation of a generic typed method of a class and got an exception. Switching to use raw .NET reflection with MakeGenericMethod I was able to make...

Is there a function to convert a lat/lon (in degrees) to an x,y pixel on the map? If not, what projection is the map using by default and I can...


If the anchorPoint property of CCLabelBMF is set to ccp(0.5f, 1.0f), the text is left aligned regardless of the text alignment property used.
