> I think this is more or less a duplicate of #788 For internal modules you are right, these issue have the same direction. I have added a concrete example...
I'd like to request support for external compilers. Something like ``` path.lua53 = [[C:\Projects\lua-5.3.1\bin\Release\lua.exe]] path.lua53c = [[C:\Projects\ua-5.3.1\bin\Release\luac.exe]] ``` in user.lua could activate this Reason: We have modified Lua5.3 with some...
@pkulchenko Im not sure, how the dataflow is while debugging. Is it `{Appl}->{mobdebug}->network->{debugserver}->{serpent}->{zbs}` :question: Then the truncation should be done in mobdebug. It doesn't make sense to transfer the 20MB...
👍 As we will start with some big wxLua based code soon, this has my plus-one. Would it be possible to generate wxlua api files from the wxlua project by...
@louislau86 (not sure if this is the right place to discuss, but at least I want to give _some_ reply) "starting big wxLua bases project soon" does not say, I...
Yes, I know this is a bigger task. But thinking about the Newbies, taking some sample code - which is absolute fine - from some example page to learn lua,...
Referring to this and #821 just an example, how an (autogenerated) api file could look like (real world example): ```lua return { i2c={ type="lib", description="This library provides access to i2c...
@pkulchenko Can you give me more details about "commercial extension that supports multiple debugging sessions " you mentioned in #769. Maybe per EMail and maybe also including license details and...
A suggestion for @davix ```lua local lu=require"luaunit.luaunit" -- data for testcases local testcases= { {a=1,b=1}, {a=2,b=4}, {a=3,b=9}, } -- function to test one testcase local function test_testcase(testcase) local a,b=testcase.a,testcase.b lu.assertEquals(b,a*a)...
Also option `codes=true` is ignored in ZBS