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Table driven tests support?
Hi, I'm using table driven tests, where all input and expected result are in a table.
However, in luaunit, it's a single case, not one case per entry in the table (like golang).
Is there a way to run the table as one case per entry?
You are right, there is no support today for such case. I am thinking about adding it one day or the other. I call it paramterized tests.
If you feel like implementing it, please submit a PR, I'll be happy to look at it.
It seems one function can be one case, so if I create a anonymous function for each entry in the test table, will luaunit treat them separately as different cases?
Sorry, I'm a Lua newbie, can't implement the feature now.
A suggestion for @davix
local lu=require"luaunit.luaunit"
-- data for testcases
local testcases=
-- function to test one testcase
local function test_testcase(testcase)
local a,b=testcase.a,testcase.b
-- create luaunit compliant test
for i,testcase in ipairs(testcases) do
-- run test
os.exit( )